
QMMCLAB participates in the development, adaptation and/or validation of questionnaire tools, coding manuals and other research and diagnostic methods. Feel free to contact us if you need to use the measures listed below. There are two main areas:

  • narrative activity
  • personality disorders assessment.


Self-narrative inclination questionnaire (Soroko, 2013)

Soroko, E. (2013). Kwestionariusz inklinacji autonarracyjnej (IAN-R) – pomiar skłonności do narracyjnego opracowywania i relacjonowania doświadczenia. Studia Psychologiczne, 51, 1, 5 – 18. DOI

Abstrakt: W artykule zaprezentowano 1) zarys konceptualizacji teoretycznej pojęcia inklinacji autonarracyjnej jako skłonność do narracyjnego opracowywania i relacjonowania doświadczenia, 2) etapy konstrukcji i właściwości narzędzia kwestionariuszowego, służącego do pomiaru inklinacji autonarracyjnej oraz 3) wyniki wybranych badań z wykorzystaniem narzędzia. W kwestionariuszu IAN-R inklinacja autonarracyjna mierzona jest na trzech wymiarach: dystansowania się od własnego doświadczenia, narracyjnego relacjonowania zdarzeń oraz korzystania z dziedzictwa kulturowego. Kwestionariusz IAN-R jest narzędziem o wysokiej rzetelności, zadowalającej trafności i może być rekomendowany do przewidywania zachowania osób badanych w wywiadzie psychologicznym oraz przy badaniu integracyjnych funkcji osobowości.

IAN 10
Self-narrative inclination questionnaire - shortened version

Kleka, P., Soroko, E. (2018). How to Avoid the Sins of Questionnaires Abridgement? Survey Research Methods, 12, 2, 147-160 DOI

Abstrakt: Creating shortened versions of research tools is common and justified. Unfortunately, it is often performed without due methodological care and awareness of the consequences of such actions. Even though the errors committed during short form construction were collected by Smith and his collaborators in 2000, it did not distinctly affect the practice. The mistakes made by researchers still come down to two main faults: assuming the transferability of validity and reliability between the full and shortened versions, and lowering the validity and reliability requirements for short forms. These two problems manifest as 9 sins committed during the construction of short forms. This article intends to present procedures which prevent these mistakes and ensure creating possibly the most reliable short version of a research tool and assessing the costs of a selected shortening method. To this end, the work determined a priori the expected length of the tool, the benefit of reduced questionnaire completion time in relation to the cost of reliability loss. Also, it estimated overlapping variance of the full and short version and classification accuracy of the new, short version. Since there are many statistical techniques of questionnaire shortening, an additional effect of this article is a comparison of the efficiency of shortening by means of three various techniques. The results show similarity between the method based on factor loadings and Cronbach’s ? method, and a slight advantage over the two of a method based on difficulty and discriminatory power in the IRT paradigm.

Awareness of Narrative Identity Questionnaire (Hallford, Mellor, 2019)

Soroko, E., Janowicz, K., Frąckowiak, K., Siatka, A. (2019). Polska wersja kwestionariusza do badania świadomości tożsamości narracyjnej (Awareness of Narrative Identity Questionnaire, ANIQ). Polskiego Forum Psychologiczne, 24,4, 477–497.LINK

Abstrakt: Artykuł jest sprawozdaniem prac nad polską adaptacją kwestionariusza do badania świadomości tożsamości narracyjnej (Awareness of Narrative Identity Questionnaire, ANIQ). Samoświadomość własnej tożsamości narracyjnej jest traktowana jako zdolność metapoznawcza, która dotyczy rozumienia, że życiowe doświadczenia mogą być reprezentowane jako opowieść o Ja i postrzegania własnych wspomnień autobiograficznych jako spójnych czasowo, przyczynowo i tematycznie. Przedstawiono właściwości psychometryczne kwestionariusza, określono jego rzetelność, trafność wewnętrzną, opisano trafność kryterialną oraz stabilność test-retest. Aby określić zakresy równoważności narzędzi, porównano uzyskane wyniki z tymi uzyskanymi przy stosowaniu wersji oryginalnej. Właściwości psychometryczne uprawomocniają korzystanie z polskiej wersji narzędzia w badaniach naukowych oraz rozpoczęcie porównań międzykulturowych.

Attitudes towards psychological online interventions (Schröder et al., 2015)

Soroko, E., Borzyszkowski, M., Kleka, P., Chmielak, K., Pawlak, Z., Skory, M. (2023). Attitudes towards psychological online interventions (APOI) in relationship with personality and virtual social integration. Psychometric properties of the APOI questionnaire. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 28, 3, 369–395 LINK

Abstrakt: Postawy wobec psychologicznych interwencji online (POI) wśród ogółu społeczeństwa oraz wielu grup docelowych w opiece zdrowotnej mogą stanowić kluczową informację dla dostawców usług medycznych, szczególne po pandemii Covid-19. Akceptowalność POI jest uważana za istotny czynnik wpływający na skuteczność wdrażania pomocy online w opiece zdrowotnej. Celem niniejszego artykułu było określenie właściwości psychometrycznych polskiej wersji Kwestionariusza Postaw wobec Psychologicznych Interwencji Online (APOI-PL) na podstawie próby ochotniczej z populacji ogólnej. W pierwszym badaniu (N = 304) analogicznie do oryginalnej wersji potwierdzono istnienie czterech czynników w strukturze kwestionariusza (korzyści z anonimowości, zagrożenie technologiczne, przekonanie o efektywności, sceptycyzm i postrzeganie ryzyka) oraz uzyskano dowody o adekwatnej spójności wewnętrznej. Stwierdzono częściową inwariancję wyników w zależności od płci. W drugim ba[1]daniu (N = 162) wykazano trafność kryterialną na podstawie związków z cecha[1]mi osobowości (Międzynarodowy Kwestionariusz Cech Osobowości NEO-Five Factor Inventory-50) oraz wirtualnej integracji społecznej. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, APOI-PL posiada dobre właściwości psychometryczne na próbie ogólnej. Konfirmacyjna analiza czynnikowa wykazuje satysfakcjonujące dopasowanie postulowanego modelu strukturalnego do danych empirycznych, a wskaźniki spójności wewnętrznej są wysokie.

The Splitting Index (Gould et al., 1996)
Data collection in progress

Narrative Identity Self-Evaluation (Lind et al., 2024)
Data collection in progress


Self and Interpersonal Functioning Scale (Gamache et al., 2019)

Soroko, E., Cieciuch, J., Gamache, D. (2024). Validation of the Polish Self and Interpersonal Functioning Scale (SIFS-PL) in Community and Clinical Samples. Current Issues of Personality Psychology.

Abstrakt: Background: The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Self and Interpersonal Functioning Scale (SIFS-PL). The scale is designed to assess Criterion A of the DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders, that is, the four core elements of personality pathology (Identity, Self-direction, Empathy, and Intimacy) from the Level of Personality Functioning (LPF) for personality disorders (PDs). Participants and procedure: Adult participants from community and clinical samples (total N = 394; 83.2% female; age: M = 30.9, SD = 9.6) completed the SIFS-PL. A clinical subsample of 50 patients diagnosed with personality disorders additionally completed the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5). Results: Confirmatory factor analysis supported a bifactor four-factor model. All items had significant loadings on both the four specific elements and an overarching general personality pathology factor. The internal consistency ranged from acceptable to good for subscales and excellent for the global scale. In terms of criterion validity, results from the clinical subgroup were consistent with previous research on the SIFS. The SIFS-PL scales effectively discriminated between community sample participants and those suffering from depression, as well as ambulatory clinical group with personality disorders. Conclusions: Our findings underscore the robust psychometric properties of the Polish version of SIFS, rendering it a promising tool for both screening and extensive research on personality disorders within contemporary dimensional models such as AMPD and ICD-11. Its application in clinical settings can also be advocated. However, general scores and subscale scores might serve distinct purposes, warranting further investigation into their predictive validity.

Borderline Personality Inventory (Leichsenring, 1999; Polish adaptation – Cierpiałkowska, 2001)

Soroko, E., Kleka, P., Cierpiałkowska, L., Leichsenring, F. (2024). Internal structure, reliability and gender invariance of the Polish version of the Borderline Personality Inventory in the community sample of adults. In review.

Abstrakt: The study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Polish version of Leichsenring’s Borderline Personality Inventory (BPI) and to investigate potential gender-specific item differences. The BPI is a self-report tool grounded in Kernberg’s theory, designed to assess levels of personality pathology (borderline personality organization) and borderline personality disorder. The study was conducted on a sample of 600 participants aged 18-36, matched by gender and age from an initial pool of 1,640 Polish adults. Reliability analysis, using Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega, demonstrated acceptable internal consistency for BPI subscales, and also the composite reliability was high. The results indicated that the BPI effectively discriminates among individuals with varying levels of borderline severity. Confirmatory factor analysis, using DWLS estimation, supported a four-factor model. Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis, performed with the Mantel-Haenszel method, identified no gender-specific items. The test information function analysis showed that the BPI is particularly effective in differentiating within more severe personality disorder ranges, as it exhibits lower levels of measurement error in these cases. Given the satisfactory reliability and validity indicators, the Polish version of the BPI is suitable for both scientific research and clinical assessments, particularly in contexts informed by object relations theory.

Structured Interview of Personality Organization-Revised (Clarkin et al. 2021)

Publikacje w przygotowaniu. Referaty: 1. Soroko, E., Kleka, P., Musiał P., Cierpiałkowska, L., Jańczak, M., Górska, D., Frydecka, D., Szcześniak, D., Kaczmarek-Fojtar, M., Clarkin, J. (2024). Personality structure and traits. Relations between Structured Interview of Personality Organization-Revised and Personality Inventory for DSM-5. 7th conference of the European Society for the Studies of Personality Disorder (ESSPD), 23–25 September 2024, Antwerp, Belgium; 2. Soroko, E., Musiał P., Cierpiałkowska, L., Jańczak, M., Górska, D., Frydecka, D., Szcześniak, D., Kaczmarek-Fojtar, M., Bandel, J., Clarkin, J. (2024). Validity and clinical utility of the Polish version of the Revised Structured Interview of Personality Organization (STIPO-R-PL). 8th Biennial International Society of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy Conference, 27-29 September 2024, New York City, USA

Abstrakt: Given the increasing prevalence of models of dimensional personality disorders in the form of the ICD-11 and AMPD DSM-5 proposals, as well as the need for psychotherapists for diagnostic tools with a solid theoretical foundation, the translation, adaptation, and validation of the STIPO-R in Poland was undertaken, as well as the determination of the scope of clinical utility of this interview as a diagnostic tool. Ninety-five male/female patients (18-65 years of age) treated in psychiatric wards and private practice from 2018-2023 volunteered to participate in the study. The STIPO-R interviews were administered by psychodynamic psychotherapists qualified and trained in the method, for whom, at the training stage, the inter-rater scores on the STIPO-R were good to very good. For validation, questionnaire methods were used, including The Borderline Personality Inventory, The Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, The State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2, The Narcissistic Personality Inventory, The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, and The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Personality Disorders. Results show satisfactory reliability of the sub-scales and validity (e.g., scores on the STIPO-R scales are sufficiently consistent with scores on the BPI and are both correlated with psychopathological symptoms). We recommend STIPO-R-PL as both a research and diagnostic tool that can serve psychotherapists and supervisors in their daily practice.

Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure WWW

Soroko, E., Cierpiałkowska, L., Mech, Ł. (2023). Self-report versus clinical ratings using the SWAP-200 in the assessment of personality disorders, Polish Psychological Bulletin, 54, 3,178–191 LINK

Abstrakt: The relationship between self- and informant reports of personality using psychometric instruments is constantly the focus of attention for researchers in the field of clinical assessment in psychology. The research shows weak agreement between clinicians and patients’ assessments of personality disorders (PDs). The current study aimed at the convergence of measurement of PDs using the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP-200), the self-report Character Styles Questionnaire-R (CSQ-R) and Borderline Personality Inventory (BPI). Paper-pencil questionnaires were administered to 102 inpatients (88.2% female, aged 18-64, M = 38.4) in a voivodeship hospital and outpatient health care centre. The SWAP-200 allowed us to gather expert (clinician) personality ratings basing on the intensive contact with patients. Results show that only a few SWAP-200 PD scales showed low positive correlations with corresponding self-reported PD scales from the CSQ-R. With the canonical correlation analysis, we identified two functions (borderline and internalising) that described similarities between the SWAP-200 and CSQ-R. SWAP-200 Obsessive-Compulsive PD correlated negatively with BPI scales. Consistent with previous studies, the self-report and the clinical assessment were only marginally convergent. Furthermore, OCPD stands out from other disorders in that it correlates positively with health indicators and negatively with some of the other personality disorders. The highest agreement was observed in the description of Borderline PD.


Loyola Generativity Scale & Generative Behavior Checklist

Bandel, J., Soroko, E., Sękowski, M. (2023). Polska adaptacja kwestionariuszy Loyolska skala generatywności oraz Lista zachowań generatywnych, Psychologia Rozwojowa, 28, 2, 63-79 DOI

Abstrakt: This article presents the results of the Polish adaptation of McAdams and de St. Aubin’s Loyola Generativity Scale (LGS) and Generative Behavior Checklist (GBC) – the scales respectively measure generative concern and generative behaviour. Results from a sample of N = 237 individuals aged 19–93 years showed good internal reliability of the LGS and GBC. Their results correlated positively. Most hypotheses supporting the criterion-relevance of the LGS and GBC were confirmed, including showing positive correlations of both scales with the intensity of meaning in life, extroversion and openness to experiences, as well as a negative correlation of the LGS with depressive symptoms. The CFA supported the original two-factor model of the LGS. In addition, the high stability of LGS scores over a three-week period in a sample of N = 30 students was shown. The Polish adaptations of the LGS and the GBC are reliable and valid tools and can be used in research work.